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Ramona Kissoon - Bridgelal

Vice President

Colville Carrington


Jitendra Sookhai


Susanne Latchu-Shah


Dr. Andy Bhagwandass

Denyse Clarke

Deanne Mohammed

Hayma Ramdhanie-Seemungal

Florence Bhagwandass

Teddy Mohammed

Nishta Sookhai

Questions & Enquiries

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FRIENDS of SAGHS is a registered Non- Profit Organisation which comprises a group of volunteers, who are parents of current students of the St. Augustine Girls’ High School and some of whom are past students themselves. 


As parents and well-wishers of this school and having seen the urgent need for the upgrading, expansion and overall improvement of the school’s infrastructure and relevant programs we have joined together to assist in this regard. Our mission being to assist the school and improve the facilities for our daughters and future generations.


Our first major fund raising venture was an All Inclusive Premium Carnival Fete which took place at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya on Sunday 02nd March 2014, followed up by the second on Sunday 15th February, 2015 and the third was held on Sunday 7th February, 2016. 


The proceeds of our events have gone towards a complete refurbishment of 4 sets of bathroom facilities for both students and staff at the school, as well as the installation of  a new and up to date Public Address system that now connects the entire school which was very important for a more efficient communication system and especially in case of emergencies.


St. Augustine Girls High School opened its doors on 19th September 1950 at the Archibald Institute in St. Augustine with 49 students and today the school population has increased to over  700 students at its present location on Evans Street in St. Augustine. From then to now the curriculum has widened, systems expanded and strengthened and facilities improved to some degree. But the physical plant has not kept pace with these developments. The Main building was constructed in 5 phases over a period of 55 years, and continues to be in dire need of repair, upgrade and in some instances complete replacement. 


Residents of Curepe and surrounding areas consider the school to be an important part of their community and many a young girl from near and far has passed by, on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway with yearning in their eyes and mind. ”I want to go to SAGHS! I want to be a SAGHS Girl!” 


With a reputation that has been built on a foundation for excellence in all areas and which continues to be and has been consistent in the years gone by, the St. Augustine Girls High School has topped the country in academic excellence as evidenced by the number of National Scholarships won each year, in conditions that were built in some cases to facilitate 12-15 students working at a time to class sizes that are now over 30+ students.


Imagine what our girls could do in modern upgraded facilities.


We as parents and well-wishers of the school have seen the urgent need to address these concerns and have decided to come together to do what we can to support this institution that has molded the lives of thousands of women in this country, including members of this committee and we would like to see such achievements continue into the distant future.


Continuing on this mission, there are other projects in the school that need upgrading for the benefit of our daughters, and as such we need to continue to have our fund raising activities. The success of these ventures will go a long way towards assisting the school with some of the upgrades necessary.


As members of the St. Augustine Girls' High School family,  we  look  forward to your support through the purchase and/ or sale of tickets and of course by attending and enjoying our most worthwhile and enjoyable events. 

Photo Gallery - Friends of SAGHS
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